10 Easy Steps to Install Solar Attic Fans

Installing a solar attic fan can be daunting. I remember the first time I tried installing one, I almost had to hire someone to help me. However, after installing multiple units, I have found the easiest way to install solar attic fans.

Materials Needed:

  • Solar attic fan unit (Recommended: Flat Base Solar Fans: For Shingle Installation)
  • Nail (for marking)
  • Chalk or marker
  • Measuring tape
  • Saw or utility knife (Recommend an electric saw)
  • Sealant
  • Exterior grade screws
  • Screwdriver or drill
  • Partner (optional, for assistance in attic)
  • Optional: Cardboard cutout with a 14 1/2” diameter and a nail hole in the middle

Step-by-Step Installation:

  1. Locate Installation Point:
    • Go into your attic and find a spot 24”-30” from the roof peak.
    • Use a nail to mark this point. Ensure there are no rafters within 2 feet of the marked location.
  2. Prepare for Cutting:
    • Head to the roof.
    • Measure a 14 ½” diameter circle around the nail point where the solar attic fan will be installed.
    • To make cutting easier and more accurate, use the pre-built 14 ½” cutout (wood or cardboard). Place this cutout on the nail and use chalk to mark the exact area where you will cut.
14.5 inch cut out 24-30 inches down from the peak of the roof.
  1. Cutting the Opening:
    • Use a saw or utility knife to carefully cut out the marked circle on the roof.
    • Ensure you do not cut over any rafters, as this could damage the structure of your home or limit the ventilation provided by the solar fan.
  2. Prepare for Flashing:
    • Trim away the top rows of shingles and an additional 2” around the perimeter of the cutout. This allows space for the base flashing.
Shingle trimming 2” around the perimeter of the cutout.
  1. Install the Base Flashing:
    • Before installation, pre-drill four mounting holes along the bottom edge of the base flashing and one hole on each side approximately 2” up from the bottom edge.
    • Slide the flat base of the solar attic fan under the top rows of shingles.
    • Center the unit over the opening with the logo on the bottom.
    • If your unit has a thermostat, ensure it dangles into the attic space.
  2. Apply Sealant:
    • Lift the unit slightly and apply sealant under the lower edges and sides of the base flashing (4).
    • This helps create a watertight seal.
Line drawing for installation of Solar Attic Fan when applying sealant and screws.
(4) Represents Sealant being applied under the edges of the unit.
(5) Represents predrilled holes on the bottom edge and sides of the units.
  1. Secure the Solar Attic Fan:
    • Use exterior grade screws to secure the unit to the roof deck.
    • Be careful not to overtighten the screws, as this could damage the roof or the unit.
  2. Final Sealant Application:
    • Apply sealant to the screw heads, exposed edges of the roof, and any loose shingles around the installation area.
    • This ensures everything is properly sealed against weather elements.
  3. Testing and Finishing Up:
    • Once the solar attic fan is securely installed and sealed, test it to ensure it operates correctly.
    • Make any necessary adjustments or additional sealing if required.
  4. Clean Up:
    • Remove any debris from the installation area and attic.
    • Dispose of excess materials and your installed Solar Attic Fan.

Additional Tips:

  1. Be safe! Use proper safety equipment when cutting and handling the unit, as sizes and weights can vary.
  2. If you’re uncomfortable working on the roof or in the attic, consider hiring a professional. Prices generally range from $300 to $1000.
  3. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific solar attic fan model, as installation steps may vary slightly.

By following these steps carefully, so that you can successfully install a solar attic fan and feel confident in your hard work!

For More Types of Solar Attic Fans Click Here!